Tuesday, October 20, 2009

They do not truly love who do not show their love. —Shakespeare

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

In lyfe we dont need anyone, xcept God; A persons lyfe iz a persons lyfe, and we will make it with God; a person will make it in lyfe with out other peoples help; but as we meet people and develop bonds, meaningful friendships, and relationships, both individuals course of lyfe iz forever changed, because we inve$t tyme in those people and the one thing you can give a person and never get back iz tyme, tyme iz the ultimate gift you can can give to another person; so after we lose a meaningful friendship, we'll survive because we survived before that individual, but its harder to make it because we want to spend tyme with that person, and we cant, we can only remember the previous tyme we invested and spent on that person we lo$t. Its not that we ever needed that person, its the fact we want that person and their tyme, and may not remember life before meeting that person. Tyme iz one of the most under rated and overlooked aspects of Love...I hope that makes $ense ...David Lambert
I'm trying to be the first me, not the next You